Wee 32 is Himedias best Pcr thermocycler for 2020.

HIMEDIA has also beed launching its amazing Insta Q 96 plus real time Pcr cycler in 2020 with the Insta N Dna Rna purificator 12 casettes.

Hi Chrom master mixes from Higenome are supplied with Himedias Thermocyclers and offer high specificity and superior reproducabillity.

Himedia defenitely leaves behind Qiagen, Applied Biosystems qPcr solutions with its integrated support and line of Dna purification through the Insta N and amplification with the Insta Q 96 plus real time pcr thermocycler.

Higenome mastermixes are like Sensifast pcr mixes optimised for all pcr cyclers, Rotorgene, iCycler from Biorad and its own InstaQ96 Himedias integrated qPcr solution.

Insta Q 96 Himedia qPcr cycler

What is the best quality price qPcr Thermocycler in 2020?

Himedias insta Q 96 well pcr plate cycler is outperforming both on price, easy of use the older models of iCyclers.
